Monday, February 25, 2013

Possibility of Change in Advertising

In all the hype of the Google Glass, I don't find it surprising that a Google rep has said that there are no plans for advertising on the Glass because ads are literally everywhere!  In other words when an owner of the Glass uses it, they won't be seeing ads. Hopefully, no plans will be made to include ads when a person uses the device. When a smartphone was first laid in my hands I was surprised to find that the box above the game I was playing said, "You have 5 unread messages, click here to read." was actually an ad; the same kind that's found when a browser is open on my computer. How much more irritating would it be to click on a pop up window that seems important while I'm using the Glass only to find out it's an ad!

However, seeing as how making ads is how advertisers receive an income, ads on the Glass may be useful. Especially in the scenario given at the beginning of the article linked below. If the ads come in handy and quite useful at the time when it's needed then there is no need to completely shun advertising from being placed on the Glass. Yet, if this does happen it would be best for the ads to be shown at a slower rate. In other words, for the total sum of ads on TV, only 5% of ads should be on the glass. Or maybe ads should be placed in the hands of the beholder of the glass...

The article sourced below shares multiple scenarios for how the Google Glass can possibly change advertising, out of approximately four scenarios the Game-ification of Everyday Life seems to be the most appealing, even though it would seem silly in the lives of those who have better things to do and much work to complete. Here's a video of what it would be like to play a game on a tablet and receive mini-rewards in reality (as you watch think of what it would be like to use the Google Glass instead of a tablet):


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